Finally, spring is here! It's warm, it's sunny, the snow is melting... I'm very happy about it. It so nice to be able to go outside with out having to bundle up in a bunch of layers.
I'm so ready for spring this year... In some ways, it's been a long winter. The last part of it certainly long. Lots of changes going on. Yup, more change. Just what I wanted, eh? I don't really expect things to be easy. And I sure as hell don't want things to become stagnant. A little patch of calm water would be nice though... I'm really hoping that summer will bring that.

I'm going to be single again, very soon. As soon as I move out, actually. Which will be by the end of the month. I'm feeling very conflicted about it right now. One moment I'm totally heartbroken over it, and another I'm really excited about bing single again. Although, if this relationship has to end, at least it's ending in the spring. It's so much easier to feel hopeful this time of year. And it's a mutual decision, which makes it easier in a lot of ways. I get to keep my best friend, which is the most important thing. And all of our mutual friends. That's one part of break-ups I've never liked, the choosing who gets to 'keep' which friends. It always really sucks, and I'm so glad I don't have to do it this time.
As I mentioned above, I'm moving. With in the next couple of weeks in fact. I could be in this weekend if I wanted to, but I don't want to. I'm not quite ready for this. It was one of those get it now or it's gone situations, and was too good to let get away. I know that I won't find anything better. The relationship ends when I move out though, and I don't think that either of us thought I'd be out quite this quickly. I will be in the new place before the end of the month, at the latest. I'm moving into Jerri's place, which I think will be really great. It's close to work, and close to downtown as well. And being there will keep me connected with other people, and keep me out and active. I think that both will be really important for me, especially for the first few weeks.
I dunno, overall I think it's going to be a good summer. A great one even. I'm looking forward to it...
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