Help needed for rescued greyhounds
Greyhound Rescue of Vermont is in desperate need of your help. There are 100 greyhounds about to retire from racing tracks in New Hampshire. I don't need to tell you that this is a huge amount of dogs to have to take in and care for all at once. They are seeking blankets, quilts, towels, canned dog food, toys, treats, quick-cooking rice and monetary donations. Go to there website, or this Burlington Free Press article to find out where and when you can drop items off, or make a monetary donation, if you are able to and would like to.
Can you spot the typo?
Angelina Jolie has admitted she was got a little shy when she saw her nude scenes in her latest film “Beowulf.”
The actress says although the nude scenes were stimulated, she was still a little embarrassed. “I was a little shy,” she says. “I was really surprised that I felt that exposed. There were certain moments where I actually felt shy – and called home, just to explain that the fun movie that I had done that was digital animation was, in fact, a little different than we expected.”
original article
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It could work, right?
Organic Batter Blaster

Is it just me, or is the idea of pancake batter from a whipped-cream style can kind of scary? There's a demo on the website.
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